Due to what some would refer to as work, I have been away from my typical routine of imagining what intriguing blog posts I could be writing. As the projects I have been convincing my community are worth trying out have started to pick up, the amount of free time to do some pleasure writing has waned. Here are some exciting adventures I have decided to tackle:
Youth Center - I should have known from the get go that this one would be a terrible yet wonderful idea. Having access to a larger range of youth and being able to branch out to other parts of the community is right up my alley. This has also made me realize at the same time that I am only one person trying to get an entire city to believe in the importance and give me a bunch of support. I have been answered with vigorous head nodding and excited proclamations of help and activism....to be followed up with an amazing disappearing act, sudden trips to Africa, and a I'll catch the next meeting response to questions. Some how the project is trucking along, and I now have a group of 15 youth Leadership Group that are taking the initiative and moving my hopes for a Youth Center into a vague reality.
Teacher Training - Most people in the academic world can problem already see the short sightings in making a providence-wide training for teachers something feasible. Working with the school board has proven...interesting, but working with a local psychologist has at least given me the comfort of feeling that someone is on my side. Who knew writing a three page proposal would take three months? Needless to say working within the parameters of Peruvian guidelines is not what I am used to, and has slowed me down a bit. Miraculously though, I have two of the ten schools scheduled for the following months.
Leadership Camps - As a group from Arequipa, we have decided to take on one of the classic Peace Corps activity the Leadership Camp, which always seems like a great idea, but also is a great headache. Months of meetings and planning has brought us to the quickening arrival (well after a couple of push-back dates) of our camp. Fundraising, grant writing, visitng schools, talking to authority figures, gets a bit overwhelming, but hopefully seeing the shining faces of about 30 girls will make it all worth it.
Gender Equality and Womyn's Empowerment - Good ole empowerment and equality, taking down machismo one dude at a time. I was reciently accepted into this Committee and have been extremely excited about getting my feet with projects. I took on a Women's Conference in the month of April, where the following actively kind of somes up the event: I asked the women to introduce themselves and tell me One reason they felt like women were better than men. I received a variety of answers including We are smarter than men, Unlike men, we can think about multiple things at once, We can do more things, Men are simple minded or a general speach about how women are just plain awesome. I guess I should have seen that one coming right? I am also working with the group to bring Safe Zone trainings to Peace Corps staff and continuing other projects already in the works.
Writing Oficios - Those delightful documents that everyone wants, then returns back to you and says someone else needs it, something is missing, or please improve the following. I have still not mastered the skill of how to write these things properly, but I am confident some of the following is always a good start:
'It is my great honor to present to you'
'My cordial greetings'
'With great respect and honor I would'
'Allow me to express my gratitude'
'With distinguished consideration'
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